3 More Free Publicity Tools

Since many of you commented on my last blog entry, here are three more free tools to help you with your small business PR activities:

1. Help a Reporter Out
PR Pro Peter Shankman set up this great site at http://www.helpareporter.com/. Simply enter your name and e-mail information. And each day, you’ll receive a list of reporters looking for specific people to interview!

But before you respond to the requests, please read Peter’s rules at http://helpareporter.com/terms.html. After all, you want to make a good impression with targeted, media members!

2. Hub Spot’s Press Release Grader
Not sure how good your press release is? Run it through this free grader at http://pressrelease.grader.com/. You can then see what works and what doesn’t, make the appropriate changes and improve your press release quickly and easily.

3. Google Analytics
O.k. Most of you are probably aware of this, but if not, check out the free tool at http://www.google.com/analytics/. On a regular basis, it’s important to review what your site visitors are looking at on your site, where they are coming from and which Web pages are the most popular.

And after you send out a release, you can check to see how many people visited the site to get more information. This tool offers a valuable way to find out what your customers want, how well your press release is doing and what changes you need to make to improve your services and customer experience. 

Valuable, free services are out there!

Hopefully, these free services will help you increase sales (and there are more out there if you conduct some research-Check out my free articles, newsletter and reports at www.rembrandtwrites.com).

I know what it’s like to start a business with a tight budget. And while it may take some extra time and effort to take advantage of the free services available, it’s a great way to build buzz until you can afford to hire a PR consultant or marketing firm.

Need more help with your PR and SEO copywriting? Please let me know here or at www.rembrandtwrites.com. I’m here to help! Thanks!

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