Time to Check Your Site!

The busy, fall season is here, and it’s time to focus on your priorities for the rest of the year. Here’s a quick list of questions to ask:

What are your site analytics telling you?

Review your most popular content, and make a note to add more of this to your site. If you are not getting a lot of clicks, or if people are not staying on your site for very long, you need to add more valuable information.

Are you capturing visitor data?

When you get site visitors, are you capturing their name and email addresses adequately? If not, you are missing out on a great opportunity to build relationships with new customers.

Create a short sign-up process on your Home page using an simple service like AWeber, Constant Contact, etc. Then, offer a free gift to those who respond. This could be an eBook, article, white paper, video, and more. Be creative and give your site visitors something they would like to have.

What does the future look like?

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to prepare for all of the holiday activities in the weeks ahead. Think of new and interesting ways to reach out to your customers. Your team will have fun being creative, and you’ll stand out from the competition.

Don’t forget to have some fun too!

Instead of dreading the busy weeks ahead, look forward to developing new projects and accomplishing year-end goals. Look at your site analytics and then use this data to create new and valuable information your customers will want to tell their friends about. You’ll energize your team members, have fun and increase customer a loyalty and sales in the process.

For more information on getting your site ready for 2013, please write to me here or at www.rembrandtwrites.com.

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