3 Simple Steps to PR Success

Did you remember to add PR to your marketing plan?

Public Relations (PR) is all about communicating a specific message about your products and services to a targeted market, especially the media.

Basically, if a reporter writes a feature story about your business, your site traffic increases. Plus, this media clip provides third-party credibility you cannot purchase through advertising.

And the good news is that you can generate some great media attention without spending any money.

It just takes time and effort… so to help you get started, here is a brief reminder about PR and:

Three Steps to Get Media Attention Now (even if you’ve never done PR before)

1. Research.

First, find the name and contact information for a reporter at a local newspaper who covers your industry. You can also look for the managing editor at a small, niche magazine who may be interested in your expertise.

Read their archived articles and search for future stories in the online editorial-calendar.

2. Prepare.
Next, figure out the benefits you have to offer that specific media member. For example, you can:

  • Provide information as an expert resource for future stories.
  • Write an opinion-piece about a recent article or news item.
  • Give your insights about a hot, current trend or community event.

Make a list of the valuable information you have to offer that applies to each media member’s audience.

What would you want to hear if you were that reporter or editor?

Next, write notes about what you will say, and practice your pitch.

3. Contact.
When you are ready, call the reporter or editor directly. Introduce yourself, and give your pitch.

Today, many local publications work with tight budgets. This means that they may be happy to receive some free writing assistance and content from a local expert.

However, if there is no interest, thank them for their time and start the entire process again with other media members.

Yes, this can be a lot of work, but it is worth it.  

After all, even if the reporters and editors don’t want to write about your business immediately, at least they know who you are and what you have to offer. They will probably be more open to your future pitches too.

And who knows?

One of these editors or reporters may give their approval right away, and you’ll see your story in the local paper within a week!

Optimize Site Traffic with PR.

 You have worked diligently to launch your new site and a marketing plan.

Why not take advantage of every opportunity available to build buzz … especially if it’s cost-effective?

By reaching out to the media and adding PR activities to your overall, marketing plan, you can significantly increase site traffic, boost word-of-mouth and gain third-party credibility you cannot obtain any other way.

For more information, check out our “7 Steps to Successful Public Relations” here,

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