The Benefits of Email Marketing

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why I first started using email for
marketing. There are some obvious down-sides: mostly the effort you must put in
to avoid being thought as spam. But, if you do it right, the benefits far
outweigh the drawbacks.

At some point I discovered that, to use email marketing effectively, I had to think about
it differently than print. You see, when a customer reads a billboard, it’s a
one-way conversation. When you email someone, you enter into a two-way

I often see marketers write messages that are bascially electronic sales
flyers. There’s nothing wrong with this approach, but there is so much more you
can do with email to make your marketing campaigns effective. The technology is
there, all you need to do as a marketer is use it.

Over the next few posts, I’ll give you some advice on how to use your email marketing
to connect with your audience and drastically improve your marketing efforts.


Ryan Allis

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