How to Get on “Oprah”

“Can you get me on Oprah?” That’s the first thing I hear from many new entrepreneurs. And it is possible. But before I give you a few tips for pursuing this popular television show, there is one thing you need to consider:

Oprah” caters to a specific audience. Is this the audience you want to reach?

Although you can generate tons of buzz from one appearance on this program, it should not be your main focus. It’s also important to make a list of all the pertinent reporters, editors and producers who cover your industry and target market. Then, by building publicity through these media venues, the producers at “Oprah” may call you first!

With this in mind, here are a few tips for improving your chances of getting on “Oprah”:

1. Develop your unique story angle.

To get noticed at “Oprah,” it’s essential to provide a great idea that focuses on her audience. Think about the benefits you have to offer and why the producers will really care about your message. Maybe you have a profound “before and after” story, an inspirational message about your life and success or a one-of-a-kind solution to a major problem?

2. Watch the show and check the site.

As you watch the program, look for various show segments and themes. And at the end of the program, look for the names of the people who produced the show.

Also visit the “Be on the Show” section of the Oprah site on a regular basis. Here, you’ll find out about upcoming show topics and guest needs. Who knows? You may be just what they are looking for!

3. Register for the newsletters.

Sign-up to receive Oprah’s newsletters and read them. To get on her show, you will need to know her tone, style and key issues. Then, you can try to fit your story and benefits into a pitch for one of the producers.

4. Contact the show.

Once you’ve done all of the steps above, prepare your pitch and call the appropriate producer directly. Have a sample package, media kit, photos, and any other pertinent information ready to go if requested. You can also send this as a thank you and follow-up to your call.

Now, after taking the time to conduct all of this research, preparation and pitching, you may not get anywhere. But don’t worry. Just because you don’t receive a call doesn’t mean your activities were done in vain. The “Oprah” producers are inundated with information. Be persistent, available and give them what they want without being a pest.

In the meantime, perfect your interview skills, pursue other media venues and create buzz. And when you least expect it, one of the Oprah producers may call you for your big, guest appearance, and you’ll be ready!

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