5 Content Strategies to Drive Traffic to Your Website

You want more traffic coming to your website, right? If you already create some type of content for your business, you should try these 5 content strategies to generate more qualified traffic to your site:

1. Target the Weekends

The weekends experience a slowdown in business marketing content. Take advantage of the decreased competition by publishing and promoting new, compelling content on the weekends. Make your voice heard in the social media and social networking sites you participate in.

2. Blog

If your company does not have a blog yet, what are you waiting for? A blog is a perfect platform for you to communicate your unique voice to your prospective customers. Everyone has unique knowledge. Let yours shine by sharing your insights with your site visitors. Don’t hold back. The web is full of information. Try to make your blog content interesting and compelling.

3. Twitter

Twitter gets more than 23 million monthly unique visitors. Needless to say, it’s very popular. Leverage it as one more channel for you to communicate with your audience. If you already produce web and blog content, the incremental effort to use Twitter is minimal.

4. Outreach

Each industry has its own set of leading websites and blogs. Identify the most credible sites and blogs that your target audience visits, and then conduct an outreach program offering to write unique, valuable articles for them.

5. Content Aggregators

If you are already spending the time publishing content on your blog or in your website, then for very little incremental effort you could leverage the online reach of content aggregators such as AllTop.com. To submit your site, go to:  http://alltop.com/submission/. You can also participate in aggregator sites by setting up a profile and posting articles yourself at sites such as BusinessWeek’s Business Exchange and BizSugar.

Special Announcement:

And to blast your way through the down economy by capitalizing on current marketing trends, check out the new, exclusive Marketing Trends Report: Blast through the Recession with Social Media, Mobile Marketing & More!, jointly produced by StartupNation and Website Marketing NOW. I think you’ll learn a lot from the report and encourage you to check it out.

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