“No budget” marketing strategies

So many startups, so little money. No matter what size business you run you’ve got to make every dollar count. Simply throwing money at a problem is not a smart way to grow your customer base. But grow you must!

You’ve got 2 choices:

1) guess

2) research

Guessing is very fun. It’s called the “what do you think?” game. We’ve been doing it since we were kids and it holds great appeal. It’s just not very smart.

Research is not nearly so much fun. It reminds me of going to the library & shuffling through aisles of books.

But I do have some good news! You can make research fun by simply listening to what others have done. And here’s a tip: don’t do what didn’t work for them. Do do what did work.

At least that’s a good place to start. Maybe you can tweak a tactic that wasn’t successful for someone else. Benjamin Franklin said he never failed, just learned what didn’t work thousands of times. I was reminded of that quote recently.

So how do you conduct successful marketing without a budget? Start researching.

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