Ready to Make Media Contact?

After conducting extensive research and preparing your story ideas (discussed in previous blog entries pertinent to our “7 Steps to Successful Public Relations”), the next step is to contact the media.

Introduce Yourself.

You can start with a press release announcing your new business and call or e-mail the appropriate media member with a simple introduction.

Introduce yourself as an entrepreneur and ask if he or she would like to receive appropriate news about your business. Keep your conversation short, and end the call if the reporter is short on time trying to meet a deadline.

As a small business owner telling your own story, you have a good chance of capturing a reporter’s attention. However, if you’re unprepared or annoy a reporter with too many calls, emails or faxes, you may create the exact opposite effect of what you’re trying to do – and that could shut off opportunity at that media outlet.

Save All Your Contacts.

Given the fact that contacting the press can be somewhat of a “numbers game” involving multiple contacts, it’s a smart practice to build a media database that helps you track any and all interactions and follow up items associated with reporters. This way, you stay on top of all details, no matter how many leads you’ve developed.

Hire A Professional if Necessary.

Now, if you don’t have time to do your own media relations or are simply not reaching your PR goals, it may be wise to hire a professional. And you’ll probably want to focus on hiring an individual expert or small firm first to get the best results as cost-effectively as possible. Without a big budget, you may not get the attention you deserve from a large, PR agency.

And you will see a range of fee offerings. Some publicists charge a monthly retainer fee. Others invoice based on their performance. Many charge by project or provide an hourly rate. And these hourly fees can range anywhere from $50.00 to $300.00-plus depending on the experience level, expertise and location of the publicist.

Media-monitoring, press-release distribution, and media-list services are usually additional costs. But keep in mind that you usually get the quality of services that you pay for. Plus, by outsourcing your publicity efforts, you’ll be able to concentrate on core, business-growth activities.

To find good candidates, review information at the Public Relations Society of America website,, ask colleagues, friends and partners for recommendations, and find out who your competition uses.

Follow by Example.

Visit the online newsrooms for companies similar to yours and see what kind of press they are getting. Also check the sites of potential publicists to review their background, expertise, specialties, writing style, and more. You really want to find someone who will act as an extension of your team and be passionate about your business offerings.

And most important, there should be a good understanding of pricing, services and tentative results among both parties prior to signing a contract with a new publicist or PR agency.

For more information on contacting the media and using the power of PR to boost sales, check out the PR articles at StartupNation, and all of the free details in our “7 Steps to Successful Public Relations” at

Do you need help reaching your business goals with public relations, SEO copywriting and marketing but just don’t have the time or resources? Please contact me here or at I’m here to help.

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