SEO Copywriting Works

Way cool! My client’s traffic just went up 43% due to search-engine optimization (SEO) techniques.

What about your site? Have you implemented SEO to help
potential customers find your site? If not, you are missing out on a great

Check out free tools like and for more information.

Now, for those of you who have already implemented SEO, is
it working? If not, you may want to look at these issues:

  • Is your Web site just packed with SEO keywords, or are you
    actually providing valuable content?

Potential customers want to find information quickly and easily when they visit your site. Do you just talk about how great your business is, or do you review benefits?

Solve your customers’ problems with good copy that include SEO keywords, and you’ll see an increase in site visitors. Plus, search engines
know when you are just packing a site with keywords or if you are actually
providing valuable information.

  • Do you use a description code?

 When search engines find your site online, what description is posted? Try adding a line in your Web site code like this:

 <meta name=”description” content=”Put your description here
using your SEO keywords.”/>

Then, you’ll have more control over your business description on the site engines.

For now, check these two ideas out and see if they change your SEO results. A few changes can make a huge difference!

I’ll be back with more PR and SEO copywriting tips soon. In the meantime, feel free to send me your comments below or at
. I’d love to hear from you! 

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