What’s Your Story? How to Get Publicity

Want to know how to get some free publicity? Well, in the last couple of weeks, we’ve covered the first two steps in our “7 Steps to Successful Public Relations.” Now, it’s time for Step 3 – Develop Your Story Idea.

As a new business owner, it’s easy to rush through publicity efforts in order to concentrate or core business activities and priorities. But before you contact the media or post a press release, ask yourself if the information you’re about to send is really newsworthy.

Will a reporter really care about what you have to say?

If you can’t answer this question accordingly, you need to rework your story angle or rewrite your announcement to focus on a specific benefit, current industry trend, or unique idea. This takes extra time and effort, but it can mean the difference between a successful, media-placement and the drawing-board.

5 Quick Ideas for Creating Your Own News

Here are some quick tips to help you get started:

  1. Take part in a community event, or create your own. Give something back and encourage others to do the same.
  2. Create a brief report or ‘top 10 list’ related to a big trend in your industry that will help others solve a problem. Provide your expertise without asking for anything in return.
  3. Submit an opinion piece to your local newspaper about a current news item. This can help build awareness for your business.
  4. Give a presentation at a local community college, business group or other organization where your target audience attends. Provide valuable information without giving a sales-pitch and invite pertinent reporters. You’ll establish yourself as an expert and meet potential new customers while increasing your chances of obtaining media coverage.
  5. Find success stories and promote them. Talk to your customers and ask them how your products and services have helped them save time and money, increase productivity, meet deadlines, etc.

Media members like unique “before and after” stories, and you can always use these case studies to build credibility and market new customers.

Want to know more? Check out all of the free details in our “7 Steps to Successful Public Relations” at https://startupnation.com/steps/77/3856/1/1/public-relations-action-plan.htm. By taking some time to develop unique story ideas, you’ll have a much better chance of garnering good publicity – fast! 

Do you need help reaching your business goals with public relations, SEO copywriting and marketing but just don’t have the time or resources? Please contact me here or at www.rembrandtwrites.com. I’d love to hear from you!

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