The One Big Secret to Getting Press – And It Costs Nothing!

Are you overwhelmed with the latest technologies, social media sites, networking opportunities, and other products and services that promise to increase sales and awareness?

As an entrepreneur like me, you are probably inundated with the latest products and services on a daily basis. (Ugh! I just received another three e-mails about the latest media-list services and upcoming teleclass!)

It can be difficult to figure out where you really need to spend your time and money.

And from all of our discussions on this site, you know that using the “power of the press” is one of the most cost-effective ways to build your business.

Well, let me make it simple for you. There are many great products and services available to help you garner media attention…But you don’t need them.

That’s right. If you are just starting out and have a budget of zero, you can get some great press  on your own. It just takes one single device: a phone. 

Even with the latest technologies, you can still get the best media coverage by calling the right person, at the right time, with the right story. Plus, you can begin a personal, media relationship that will provide value for years to come.

Now, don’t get me wrong. For the best results, you need to conduct the appropriate research and practice your pitch first (more on this in future blog entries). But it works.

In fact, you may get through faster than a publicist. Why? Media members like to hear fresh, new stories directly from entrepreneurs. And who can convey the passion for your business via phone better than you? 

Now, as a publicist who gets paid to get press for my clients all the time, why am I telling you this secret? 

I’m a small business owner too. And I want you to succeed without getting ripped off or wasting your time.

But when you get too busy to handle the press, and it takes you away from your core responsibilities, please look into hiring a good publicist. You’ll save time and money and use “the power of the press” to your advantage!

Thanks for reading, and check back for more simple tips. In the meantime, feel free to send me your comments and suggestions and register for my free newsletter. I’m here to help!

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