What Summer Super Heroes Teach Us About PR

Summer is finally here, and there are a lot of great movies to see. It got me thinking about how “Indiana Jones,” “The Incredible Hulk,” “Iron Man,” and others have a lot to teach us about PR. For example:

1. Act Fast.
Super heroes think and act quickly to get results so the next time reporters contact you, give them the information they need right away.

If you have a unique story to tell, call a media member and share your “exclusive” tips before the competition does. By working at a fast speed, you’ll meet more reporter deadlines and increase media coverage.

2. Be Prepared.
Whenever a damsel is in distress, super heroes spring into action and defeat the villains. Why? They have been honing their skills, practicing and working out on a regular basis.

The same goes for good PR. You need to create a plan of action, develop newsworthy ideas and be prepared to pitch your story when the time is right.

3. Stay Positive.
Super heroes are always confident that they will do their best. Even when they need to save the world or face impossible odds, they don’t let negativity get in the way of their actions.

If you want to get press mentions, be persistent and don’t let naysayers get in your way. Keep a positive attitude at all times. If one of your story ideas falls through, keep trying. Eventually, you will create a successful pitch that generates buzz and helps build credibility.

With these thoughts in mind, think about the super heroes you watch in the the months ahead. How would they handle their public-relations efforts and the stress of starting a new business? You may be surprised at what you learn.

Have a great 4th of July!

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