Got Data Management? Exclusive Interview with Mark Wozniak, InfoDome VP of Products

Today, we have the pleasure of talking to Mark Wozniak, the VP of Products at InfoDome (yes, and the brother of Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak). InfoDome is a new, online, critical business data management solution that launched in March to help small businesses handle data.

Tell us about InfoDome and why you created it.

InfoDome is a simple and powerful online database that makes it easy to collect, manage, analyze, and share your data across remote users.

Spreadsheet users and database authors can import their data, visually design forms and relational reports with drag-and-drop ease, share these selectively, or embed them in a website with a few clicks, and drill into data for business intelligence.

We created it to let people with a wide range of skills benefit from having an online database to better manage their information, especially with remote users, as so many small businesses are using virtual offices and remote employees or contractors.

Do you think InfoDome will change the way people use technology like your brother changed things with Apple?

Yes, InfoDome will be used by people with database experience, and by a lot more people who haven’t been able to use one because databases have traditionally been too hard to use and share.

Desktop software databases are too difficult for mere mortals to author, and you need lots of IT support to share the data. Managing data in spreadsheets is hard because users can mistakenly override data they shouldn’t even have access to, and it’s tedious to manually report on the data.

We have customers using InfoDome as a small business database for tracking leads, inventory, tasks, students – in ways that are custom to their needs. InfoDome makes it easy to provide each person a focused form to manage their data, and reports that provide business insight.

How are you promoting InfoDome?

We promote InfoDome via events like DEMO Spring 2010, search engine marketing and public relations.

What marketing and promotional techniques have worked best and why?

We’ve had best results from search engines, because we have a solution to a problem people are directly searching for.

What kind of marketing techniques do you plan to use in the future to grow the company?

We plan to evaluate affiliate marketing and inside sales.

What piece of advice do you have for new business owners?

Make sure your team is motivated by the work they do rather than external rewards. If people love their work and the product they’re working on, it’s so much easier.

Also, there are so many ways to manage your business using a cloud application. Check out online solutions before you commit to an installed software package.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Your website is really great resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners!


Thanks for the compliment and the great insights Mark. We wish you all the best!

How about you? Do you need help with your marketing strategies to boost sales, awareness and credibility? Please write to me here or at

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