Read More Preparing for the Unglamorous Side of Being an Entrepreneur Despite what the media portrays, being an entrepreneur isn’t all glitz and glam. Actually, very little of it… bySara SugarNovember 3, 2016
5 Lessons During the First 5-Years of Owning a Business Growing and launching your business is serious business. Get the top 5 lessons Yana Schottenstein learned with hers! byYana Schottenstein - Access 2 InterpretersJune 10, 2015
Read More Need a Business Idea for Your Startup? Try This Method! If you want to leave the 9-5 job, but aren't sure what kind of business to start, try this method to help you answer that question and get going! byMarco TerryJanuary 29, 2015
Where can I find ME time? Last week, I wrote about ME time for the start-up biz person. Do you take it? Do you avoid… byRachel BlaufeldAugust 10, 2011
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored… Stepped into a cafe in Silicon Valley on the patio of a large office building – it was… byRich SloanMay 16, 2007
Is this the golden age for entrepeneurs? We have a lot of philosophies about entrepreneurship and small business here at StartupNation. One of them you… byRich SloanJanuary 23, 2007
Thanks for Stopping By As a new blogger at StartupNation, I thought I would introduce myself. Your time is precious, so hopefully… byAndrew FieldJanuary 22, 2007
Small businesses can learn from Netflix and Blockbuster Suzanne and I gave each other a Christmas gift this year that we’re really excited about – a… byJoel WelshJanuary 4, 2007
What’s OUT! What’s IN! The ‘Wayne Gretzky’ Small Business Trend Spotting Strategy Out: heal-hurting leather-soled dress shoes Out: Clothes Out: Web 1.0 In: run-through-the-airport rubber-soled dress shoes In: Working from… byJoel WelshSeptember 26, 2006
Vacation may lead to a new small business opportunity I almost didn’t come back from my vacation in North Carolina. Not only was the weather perfect, the… byJoan IsabellaJuly 10, 2006
Loving my cell phone leads to startup business ideas A StartupNation community member recently asked “What’s your favorite office supply?” on the community forum. At first glance… byJoel WelshMay 18, 2006
Cool Company of the Day: Alright, those of you who want to start up a business but have no experience doing the actual… byRich SloanMay 17, 2006