content management

How Content Management Helps Your Startup Close Deals and Increase Sales

Startup life isn’t for everyone, but if you like working in a fast-paced environment, getting outside your comfort zone and quoting Elon Musk, then you know you wouldn’t have it any other way. Starting your own business can be as exciting as it is stressful, and you can count on wearing several hats at once to help your organization scale and close deals.

Below, we’ll review how having a tighter content management strategy can help your sales team find and deliver increasingly granular content to prospects at the right time, and help reduce the sales cycle and increase opportunities; all essential ingredients for a successful startup.

Increasing sales productivity

Everyone working for a startup has a lot to do, and not enough time to do it, making it crucial to ensure your sales team is working as efficiently as possible. For example, let’s say one of your sales reps meets with a prospect who’s interested in your product, and wants to see examples of similar customer use cases and estimated ROI. They need all of this within hours of the meeting so they’re equipped to gain buy-in from upper management. You have great case studies and an ROI calculator floating around your intranet, but your company doesn’t have an organized content repository, so the chances of your sales rep finding the right content quickly are slim.

Enter: sales enablement.

Related: Top Content Management Systems for Your Small Business

Companies can easily increase sales productivity by implementing sales enablement tools that include Content Management Systems (CMS) with granular search capabilities.

In a recent study conducted by Highspot, 75 percent of respondents from companies using sales enablement tools reported that their company had increased sales over the past 12 months – and nearly 40 percent reported sales increased more than 25 percent.

Having an organized content repository will allow your team to easily find content during the sales cycle, and tools that offer streamlined search capabilities and features that search all text in assets (not just asset names) will help your team reduce sales discoverability time, increase productivity, and return valuable time for sales prospecting.

Is your content good or great?

As you’ve likely experienced, it’s difficult to scale your business when resources are tight. While it’s crucial to easily find and deliver the right content to the right customer, it can be even more difficult to know how effective your content is if you don’t have the tools or resources (much less the time) to measure it. Instead of hoping the content you’re using tells a compelling story that resonates with prospects – wouldn’t you rather know what’s helping your team yield results so you can continue refreshing and creating new content that helps you land more sales?

Using content management tools that offer analytics capabilities can help you track customer engagement and drill down into what content customers spend time on, and what’s being used to win deals. Meaning you can not only track what content is being used the most throughout the buyer’s journey, but also view which sections of those assets customers are spending the most time on, giving you valuable insight when it’s time to update and create more high-performing content.

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Every entrepreneur understands the ups and downs that come with growing pains, so don’t let a disorganized, inefficient content management strategy keep you from becoming a market leader. Having a tighter content management strategy that includes content management tools not only helps sellers find the right content to improve customer conversations and increase sales readiness – it can help your organization create better content that resonates with your consumers (even when resources are tight), close more deals and continue innovating and generating more success.

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